Being part of a church is about more than Sundays—it's finding a faith family, growing in Christ, exploring beliefs, and building connections with God and one another.

Pastor Robert Brooks
Welcome to Ashland Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)!
As the pastor, I extend a warm invitation to explore our church and learn more about our open and welcoming community. We hope you will join us and discover the love and fellowship we share as a faith community dedicated to loving God and loving our neighbor. Whether you're a seasoned follower of Jesus or seeking a place to connect with God, we welcome you with open arms. Come as you are, and let's journey together on this path of faith. Remember we welcome you just as you are.
Please remember this includes your doubts and your questions. We are a pretty good church with pretty good people.
With God's Love,
Pastor Bob

Sunday Worship
Join us for our weekly Sunday Worship. Every Sunday starting at 11:00am.
Sunday School
Sunday School for adults is offered on the second & third Sunday of the month at 10:00am. A conversational breakfast is held on the first & last Sunday of the month in Hunter Hall at 9:45am
Logos Program
Meets the second & fourth Wednesday of the month from 6:00-7:30pm in Hunter Hall. We are inviting children and youth in kindergarten through eighth grade to join us for supper, recreation, discussion time, and worship arts.